Estonian key geodatasets are now Open Data

Estonian National Land Board has opened key country-wide detailed geographic datasets as open data in July 2018. Following datasets (and more) can be downloaded for free:

  • Cadastre borders (Katastripiirid) – Bentley DGN, Esri SHP, GeoPackage formats
  • Restriction areas (Kitsenduste mõjualad) – Esri SHP, GeoPackage formats
  • Estonian topographic dataset (ETAK tuumandmed) – Esri GDB ja SHP, Mapinfo TAB formats
  • Estonian main base map  1:10 000 (Eesti põhikaart) – raster and vector  Esri GDB ja SHP, Mapinfo TAB, Bentley DGN formats
  • Orthoimages since 2002 (Ortofotod) , high resolution – GeoTIFF, ECW formats
  • LIDAR point clouds since 2008 (Aerolaserskaneerimise kõrguspunktid) –  LAZ format
  • Land surface 3D models (Maapinna mudelid) – 1m, 5m, and 10m resolution GeoTIFF, ASCII XYZ formats
  • Land coverage models (Maakatte mudelid) – 1m and 5m resolution – GeoTIFF format
  • Vegetation odels (Taimkatte mudelid) – 4m and 10m resolution, since 2008 – GeoTIFF format
  • Hillshading (Reljeefivarjutuspildid) – 0,25m, 5m, 10m and 25m resolutions
  • Full address database, including postal codes

Downloads page is currently in Estonian only. In total over 6TB data has made publicly available, only condition is attribution to Maa-amet.

Same datasets are available also as WMS service and interactive web map.


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