

Estonian Geoinformatics Society (ESTGIS) was established on 30.09.2010 by 89 foundation members. ESTGIS foundation took place at the Estonian Land Board main building in Tallinn.  The first Management Board was elected by the members for 2 years.

ESTGIS is the NGO whose activity is regulated by the Memorandum of Association (available in Estonian).

ESTGIS activities are dedicated to the following fields:

  • to rise the GI awareness in society and support the good reputation of the GIS field
  • to support the development of the geoinformatics professional skills and education based on the labour market needs
  • to support effective national and international co-operation and exchange of GIS/GI expertise and experience
  • to support and contribute to the development of framework documents of Estonian geoinformatics, spatial data and geo infrastructure
  • to contribute to the GI/GIS and related fields related development processes
  • to rise the competitiveness of the field in the international level
  • to protect the members common interests and rights

Currently over 100 private persons and several local and international GIS-related companies are the active members of ESTGIS.

Some activities and milestones of ESTGIS:

  • Participation in EUROGI EMM
  • ESTGIS is the main organizer of the international GIS – Day held annually in November.
  • ESTGIS is an observer member of GINORDEN
  • Annual GIS conference with 100+ participants, open to whole community
  • Annual GIS summer school

Upcoming events

ESTGIS annual conference 2024

04. October 2024

(in 2+ months)

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