
Estonian Geoinformatics Society (ESTGIS) was established on 30.09.2010.

ESTGIS has 89 foundation members.

Management Board was elected by the members for 2 years.

ESTGIS is the NGO whose activity is regulated by the statutes of the society (available in Estonian).

ESTGIS activities are dedicated to the following fields:

  • to rise the GI awareness in society and support the good reputation of the GIS field
  • to support the development of the geoinformatics professional skills and education based on the labour market needs
  • to support effective national and international co-operation and exchange of GIS/GI expertise and experience
  • to support and contribute to the development of framework documents of Estonian geoinformatics, spatial data and geo infrastructure
  • to contribute to the GI/GIS and related fields related development processes
  • to rise the competitiveness of the field in the international level
  • to protect the members common interests and rights

Upcoming events

ESTGIS annual conference 2024

04. October 2024

(in 2+ months)

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